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加拿大工程院院士、维多利亚大学Lin Cai教授 和伦敦国王学院(KCL) Yansha Deng准教授学术报告

来源: 点击: 时间:2024年01月14日 19:01

加拿大工程院院士维多利亚大学Lin Cai教授

和伦敦国王学院(KCL) Yansha Deng准教授学术报告

报告人:Prof. Lin Cai, 加拿大维多利亚大学,加拿大工程院\院士

报告地点:校本部升华后楼409  #腾讯会议:542-757-924

报告时间:2024115 (周一)上午9:00-10:30

报告题目:Intelligent Protocol Architecture for 6G

报告摘要:The fusion of digital and real worlds in all dimensions will be the driving force for future sixth-generation (6G) wireless systems. Ubiquitous in-time and on-time communication services between humans, machines, robots, and their virtual counterparts are essential, and they expand from the ground to air, space, underground, and deep sea. 6G systems are not only data pipelines but also large-scale distributed computing systems with integrated sensing, processing, storage, communication and computing capabilities. The current network protocol architecture cannot handle challenges to build ubiquitous and intelligent 6G systems, dealing with stringent quality-of-service (QoS) requirements, providing a rich set of communication modes, including unicast, multicast, broadcast, in-cast, and group-cast, and supporting user-centric mobile applications. In this talk, we promote a new protocol architecture that can leverage in-network intelligence to provide a wide range of control functions for different types of 6G applications and networking environments. Its design principles, potentials, and open issues are discussed.

报告人简介:Dr. Lin Cai is a Professor with the E&CE Department at the University of Victoria. She is an NSERC Steacie Memorial Fellow, a CAE fellow, an EIC Fellow, an IEEE Fellow, an RSC College member, and a 2020 “Star in Computer Networking and Communications” by N2Women. Her research interests span several areas in communications and networking, with a focus on network protocol and architecture design supporting ubiquitous intelligence.

报告人 Dr Yansha Deng, Reader (Associate Professor) at King’s College London

报告地点:校本部升华后楼409  #腾讯会议:542-757-924

报告时间:2024115 (周一)上午10:30-12:00

报告题目:Task-oriented Semantics-aware Communications in 6G Era

报告摘要:Inspired by Shannon’s classic information theory, Weaver and Shannon proposed a more general definition of a communication system involving three different levels of problems, namely, (i) transmission of bits (the technical problem); (ii) semantic exchange of transmitted bits (the semantic problem); and (iii) effect of semantic information exchange (the effectiveness problem). The first level of communication, which is the transmission of bits, has been well studied and realized in conventional communication systems based on Shannon’s bit-oriented technical framework. However, with the massive deployment of emerging devices, including Extended Reality (XR) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), diverse tasks with stringent requirements pose critical challenges to traditional bit-oriented communications, which are already approaching the Shannon physical capacity limit. This imposes the Sixth Generation (6G) network towards a communication paradigm shift to semantic level and effectiveness level by exploiting the context of data and its importance to the task. An explicit and systematic communication framework incorporating both semantic level and effectiveness level has not been proposed yet. Thus, my talk will discuss our recent results related to task-oriented communications for future 6G wireless networks, where I will focus on task-oriented and semantics-aware communication solutions for the virtual reality data type, control and command data, and machine learning model parameters.

报告人简介:Dr Yansha Deng is currently a Reader (Associate Professor) in the Department of Engineering at King’s College London, London, United Kingdom. She received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the Queen Mary University of London, U.K., in 2015. From 2015 to 2017, she was a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with King’s College London, U.K. She has secured more than £2.6 million of research funding as the principal investigator and has received the EPSRC NIA award. She has published 110+ journal papers and 60+ IEEE/ACM conference papers. Her research interests include molecular communication and machine learning for 5G/6G wireless networks. She was a recipient of the Best Paper Awards from ICC 2016 and GLOBECOM 2017 as the first author, and the IEEE Communications Society Best Young Researcher Award for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa Region 2021. She has been the Senior Editor of IEEE Communications Letters since 2020,  the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Communications since 2017, the Associate Editor of IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials since 2022,  the  Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking since 2022, the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-scale Communications since 2019,  the Associate Editor of IEEE Open Journal of Communications Society since 2019 and the Vertical Area Editor of IEEE Internet of Things Magazine since 2021.

地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区中南大学信息楼 联系方式:0731-88836659

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