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来源: 点击: 时间:2022年08月23日 20:34

报告题目一:MobiPose: Real-Time Multi-Person Pose Estimation on Mobile DevicesThis paper is accepted by ACM SenSys’20 and IEEE TMC 2021



报告地点:升华后楼409 / 腾讯会议 705-467-296


Human pose estimation is a key technique for many vision-based mobile applications. Yet existing multi-person pose-estimation methods fail to achieve a satisfactory user experience on commodity mobile devices such as smartphones, due to their long model-inference latency. In this paper, we propose MobiPose, a system designed to enable real-time multi-person pose estimation on mobile devices through three novel techniques. First, MobiPose takes a motion-vector-based approach to fast locate the human proposals across consecutive frames by fine-grained tracking of joints of human body, rather than running the expensive human-detection model for every frame. Second, MobiPose designs a mobile-friendly model that uses lightweight multi-stage feature extractions to significantly reduce the latency of pose estimation without compromising the model accuracy. Third, MobiPose leverages the heterogeneous computing resources of both CPU and GPU to execute the pose-estimation model for multiple persons in parallel, which further reduces the total latency.

We have implemented the MobiPose system on off-the-shelf commercial smartphones and conducted comprehensive experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques. Evaluation results show that MobiPose achieves over 20 frames per second pose estimation with 3 persons per frame, and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline, with a maximum speedup of up to 4.5× and 2.8× in latency on CPU and GPU, respectively, and an improvement of 5.1% in pose-estimation model accuracy. Furthermore, MobiPose achieves up to 62.5% and 37.9% energy-per-frame saving on average in comparison with the baseline on mobile CPU and GPU, respectively.

报告题目二:MobiDepth: Real-Time Depth Estimation Using On-Device Dual CamerasThis paper is accepted by ACM MobiCom’22



报告地点:升华后楼409 / 腾讯会议 705-467-296


Real-time depth estimation is critical for the increasingly popular augmented reality and virtual reality applications on mobile devices. Yet existing solutions are insufficient as they require expensive depth sensors or motion of the device or have a high latency. We propose MobiDepth, a real-time depth estimation system using the widely available on-device dual cameras. While binocular depth estimation is a mature technique, it is challenging to realize the technique on commodity mobile devices due to the different focal lengths and unsynchronized frame flows of the on-device dual cameras and the heavy stereo-matching algorithm.  

To address the challenges, MobiDepth integrates three novel techniques: 1) iterative field-of-view cropping, which crops the field-of-views of the dual cameras to achieve the equivalent focal lengths for accurate epipolar rectification; 2) heterogeneous camera synchronization, which synchronizes the frame flows captured by the dual cameras to avoid the displacement of moving objects across the frames in the same pair; 3) mobile GPU-friendly stereo matching, which effectively reduces the latency of stereo matching on a mobile GPU. We implement MobiDepth on multiple commodity mobile devices and conduct comprehensive evaluations. Experimental results show that MobiDepth achieves real-time depth estimation of 22 frames per second with a significantly reduced depth-estimation error compared with the baselines. Using MobiDepth, we further build an example application of 3D pose estimation, which significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art 3D pose-estimation method, reducing the pose-estimation latency and error by up to 57.1% and 29.5%, respectively.


章晋睿,中南大学2018级博士,导师张尧学院士,合作导师张德宇副教授。研究方向是移动端深度学习系统优化、边缘计算、移动端深度视觉系统优化、AR等。曾2019-2022年分别在北京大学、微软亚洲研究院、清华大学智能产业研究院(AIR)交流学习。2021获得国家留学基金委奖学金,即将前往韩国国立首尔大学进行博士联合培养。在博士期间,他多次获得校、国家级奖学金,并且多次评为校级优秀学生和优秀学生干部,于2021年被评为中南大学优秀研究生干部标兵。他在ACM MobiCom, SenSys, IEEE TMC等国际顶级会议和期刊上发表论文4篇,其中独立一作3篇,申请专利3项,省级竞赛一等奖1次




报告地点:升华后楼409 / 腾讯会议 705-467-296





报告地点:升华后楼409 / 腾讯会议 705-467-296



王丹,中南大学2018级博士,计算机科学与技术专业,导师张尧学院士,指导老师任炬教授,研究方向为边缘计算、数据安全和隐私保护、深度学习等。在HPCC,IEEE TMC、 Information Fusion等会议和期刊上发表论文3篇。




报告地点:腾讯会议 705-467-296





报告地点:腾讯会议 705-467-296

摘要:离线逆强化学习旨在从固定数据集(例如演示数据)中学习奖励函数和策略,且不需要奖励信息以及在线的探索过程。尽管最近取得了不错的进展,但现有方法在未知环境中的泛化能力较差,阻碍了其在真实环境中的有效部署。为解决这一问题,本文设计了基于模型的离线逆强化学习算法,名为CLARE,旨在利用模型生成的模拟数据来增强算法的泛化能力。通过精心设计的训练目标函数,CLARE可以将专家意图和保守性(conservatism)简洁地整合到学习的奖励函数中。奖励函数进而能够通过保守的离线模型探索来指导“安全的”模仿学习。我们通过限制与专家的累积回报差距在理论上量化了探索-开发权衡的影响,并进一步证明 CLARE 可以通过最小化相应的差距来做出正确的权衡。我们的实验证实了 CLARE 在离线强化学习基准测试集中对现有最先进算法性能的显著提升。


岳晟,太阳集团tyc138在读博士研究生。2017年获得中南大学理学学士学位,同年保送至太阳集团tyc138攻读博士研究生。于2018年在清华大学交叉信息研究院担任为期4个月的访问博士生,曾于20202月至20222月受国家留学基金委资助赴亚利桑那州立大学进行为期2年的联合培养。攻读博士期间曾多次获得校、国家级奖学金。他的研究方向主要集中于边缘智能、分布式优化、强化学习。在攻读博士期间,他在IEEE JSACIEEE TPDS等国际顶级刊物及ACM MobiHoc等国际顶级会议上共发表5篇论文。曾担任多个国际顶级刊物、会议的审稿人,包括IEEE JSACIEEE INFOCOM 2021/2022IEEE MobiHoc 2021AISTATS 2022等等。

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