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来源: 点击: 时间:2022年05月25日 11:59

报告名称:Analyzing Subtle Clues from Facial Videos for Affective Computing and Other Applications


时间: 2022526日(周四),下午400-500  


报告摘要: With the development of machine learning, especially deep learning, computers are becoming more intelligent in understanding video contents even at the finest level. This report introduces research from Dr. Xiaobai Li’s team about developing machine learning methods to analyze subtle information from human facial videos, i.e., micro-expression analysis and remote heart rate measurement, and their applications in emotion understanding, biometrics, and healthcare.

报告人简介: Xiaobai Li (xiaobai.li@oulu.fi) is currently working as an assistant professor in the Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS) of University of Oulu. She received her B.Sc degree in Psychology from Peking University, M.Sc degree in Biophysics from the Chinese Academy of Science, and Ph.D. degree in computer science from CMVS, University of Oulu. Dr. Xiaobai Li has published more than 40 papers on international conferences and journals which were cited 3000+ times with an H-index of 26 according to Google scholar. Her research interests include facial expression recognition, micro-expression recognition, remote physiological signal measurement and related applications such as emotion understanding, remote healthcare, and biometrics. She received post-doctoral funding from the Academy of Finland for 2019-2022, and she also leads one consortium project funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund.

She is a reviewer for multiple journals and conferences, including IEEE Transactions on. PAMI, IEEE Transactions. on Multimedia, TIP, TAFFC, TCSVT, TIFS, Trans. Biomedical Engineering, IVC, Neurocomputing, PLOS ONE, Frontiers Psychology, PR, PRL, CVPR, ICCV, FG, ICPR, ICMI. She is currently serving as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), and Image and Vision Computing (ICV).

地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区中南大学信息楼 联系方式:0731-88836659

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