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北京大学邓小铁教授(ACM Fellow)区块链学术报告通知

来源: 点击: 时间:2019年12月25日 09:37

报告题目CycLedger: A Scalable and Secure Parallel Protocol for Distributed Ledger via Sharding




        We present CycLedger, a scalable and secure parallel protocol for distributed ledger via sharding. Our protocol selects a leader and a partial set for each committee, who are in charge of maintaining intra-shard consensus and communicating with other committees, to reduce the amortized complexity of communication, computation and storage on all nodes. We introduce a novel commitment scheme between committees and a recovery procedure to guarantee the security of cross-shard transactions even when leaders of committees are malicious. To add incentive for the network, we use the concept of reputation, which measures each node's computing power. As nodes with higher reputation receive more rewards, there is an encouragement for nodes with strong computing ability to work honestly so as to gain reputation. In this way, we strike out a new path to establish scalability, security and incentive for the sharding-based distributed ledger.



       Xiaotie Deng got his BSc from Tsinghua University, MSc from Chinese Academy of Sciences, and PhD from Stanford University in 1989. He is currently a chair professor at Peking University. He taught in the past at Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Liverpool, City University of Hong Kong, and York University. Before that, he was an NSERC international fellow at Simon Fraser University. Deng's current research focuses on algorithmic game theory, with applications to Internet Economics and Finance. His works cover online algorithms, parallel algorithms, and combinatorial optimization.  He is an ACM fellow for his contribution to the interface of algorithms and game theory, and an IEEE Fellow for his contributions to computing in partial information and interactive environments.

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