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来源: 点击: 时间:2019年10月28日 10:03

报告题目: Text Representation Learning for Market Trends Prediction (基于文本表示学习的市场行情预测)





    News reports and text content in social media have proved to directly or indirectly affect financial market volatility. Artificial intelligence technology has been widely used in the business decision-making system and effectively improves enterprise productivity, efficiency, etc. However, for the task of artificial intelligence-driven financial market prediction driven, on the one hand, it is challenging for existing research to understand the text content fully, on the other hand, the dimension of features extracted is high and very sparse. The purpose of this report is to introduce semantic representation learning models based on large-scale texts, to promote the research work of big data-driven financial market prediction. The main contents include the following three aspects: 1) Target-dependent sentence representation model for market trends prediction; 2) target-dependent document representation model for market trends prediction; 3) interpretable text-based prediction model, which quantifies the impact of text features on the market.

    新闻报道以及社会媒体中的文本内容被证明会直接或间接地影响金融市场波动。人工智能技术已广泛应用于商业决策系统中,并有效驱动企业产能、效率等方面的提升。然而对于人工智能驱动的金融市场行情预测任务,现有研究一方面难以全面深入理解文本内容,另一方面抽取的特征维度较高且十分稀疏。本次报告旨在介绍通过对大规模文本进行语义表示学习,进而推动大数据驱动的金融市场行情预测研究工作,主要内容包括如下三方面:1)面向预测对象的句子表示学习方法;2面向预测对象的篇章表示学习方法;3可解释的文本预测模型; 以此量化学习文本特征给市场行情带来的影响。



   段俊文,2009年毕业于哈尔滨工业大学,获工学学士学位;2015年至今在哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学及技术学院攻读博士学位;2017年至2018年获得留学基金委资助于美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校进行联合培养,导师ACM Fellow 翟成祥教授。他的主要研究方向为人工智能、自然语言处理、社会计算和事理图谱。目前,他已经发表相关学术论文10余篇,包括IEEE ACM TASLPScience China Information Sciences等国内外知名期刊,以及AAAIIJCAIEMNLPCOLING, NAACL等人工智能领域国际著名会议。同时,他还担任IEEE Transactions on Big Data, Information Processing & ManagementNLPCC等期刊和会议的审稿人。


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