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来源: 点击: 时间:2019年05月13日 18:22

报告题目:Trustworthy Data Collection for Cyber Systems and Applications



报告人:Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan教授

报告简介:Businesses, governments, and individuals depend more and more on the data security and privacy protection in cyber systems. As data collection becomes broader and easier through automated data collection, sensors, and the IoT, protecting the data is becoming more of a focus. The concept of “big data” just increases the focus. Many of the current contributions focus on maintaining data security and privacy in the processing, storage, transmission, and decision-making. However, there can be a question, what would be the situation if low-quality, untrustworthy, meaningless, or undependable data are collected at the time of acquisition, and we apply various strong security protocols to process, store, and transmit the data and make decisions for various cyber system and applications. Also, what would be the situation when assuming that existing privacy-preserving protocols for communication and decision-making seem to be effective, however, if the data being protected by these protocols is itself suspect due to attacks on the privacy at the data gathering process. In this talk, I will highlight these situations and show how untrustworthy concerns may appear during the data collection. I will then discuss challenges and potential solutions for the trustworthy data collection.

报告人简介:Md Zakirul Alam Bhuiyan,PhD,is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the Fordham University, NY, USA. Earlier, he worked as an Assistant Professor at the Temple University. His research focuses on dependability, cybersecurity, big data, and cyber physical systems. He has over 130 papers published in prestigious venues, including top tier IEEE/ACM transactions/magazines. Two of his papers have been recognized as the ESI Highly Cited Papers in Computer Sciences (as of 01/2018). He has served as an associate/lead guest editor for IEEE TBD, ACM TCPS, ACM TOMM, IEEE IoT journal, INS, JNCA, FGCS, ACCESS, and so on. He has also received the IEEE TCSC Award for Early Career Research Excellence (2016-2017) and the IEEE Outstanding Leadership Awards (2016, 2017, 2018), and so on. He has served as an organizer, general chair, program chair, workshop chair, and TPC member of various international conferences, including IEEE INFOCOM. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of ACM.

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