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美国密西西比大学Chaoyang Zhang教授学术报告

来源: 点击: 时间:2019年06月05日 18:09

报告题目:Data Mining and Machine Learning Approaches to Toxicity Analysis and Disease Prediction



报告人:Chaoyang Zhang教授(美国University of Southern Mississippi)


The big data analytics rely on advanced data mining and machine learning methods. In this presentation I will present our current research in data mining and machine learning, and their applications in toxicology and medical science. The specificity of toxicant-target biomolecule interactions leads to the very imbalanced nature of many toxicity datasets, causing poor performance of Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)-based chemical classification. In order to improve prediction accuracy, we propose SMOTEENNBagging, a novel ensemble resampling and learning approach, for highly imbalanced classification and also address the metric issues in model validation and performance evaluation based on the Tox21 Challenges dataset. Additionally, I will also present our progress in deep transfer learning and multi-label classification for healthcare risk prediction and cancer diagnosis. These machine learning methods and techniques may be generalized and applied to the data analysis in other areas.


Dr. Chaoyang Zhang is a tenured full professor of computer science in the School of Computing at the University of Southern Mississippi and has supervised thirteen Ph.D. students. He was the Director of School of Computing from 2008 to 2014. His research includes data mining, machine learning, deep learning, big data analytics, systems biology and bioinformatics, medical informatics. Dr. Zhang, as principal investigator or co-principal investigator, received eighteen research grants with a total of five million dollars, supported by US National Science Foundation, Department of Defense, National Institute of Health, Homeland Security, American Heart Association, etc. Dr. Zhang has published more than eighty peer-reviewed journal articles and conference papers, one of which received the Sylvia Sorkin Greenfield Award (the best paper award of the Journal of Medical Physics, awarded by American Association of Physicists in Medicine in 2005). Dr. Zhang has been very active in academic service and leadership. He served on several National Science Foundation panels. He was the co-founder and Program Committee Chair of the International Joint Conferences on Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and Intelligent Computing, (IJCBS’09) ShangHai, China, August 2009. He also severed as 2010 ACM-BCB Steering Committee Co-Chair, 2009 IJCBS conference program committee chair. Dr. Zhang was elected to serve as President of the US Midsouth Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Society (MCBIOS) in 2014-2015 and he received MCBIOS Academic Service Award in 2018.

地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区中南大学信息楼 联系方式:0731-88836659

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